STAT424 | Optimization for Statistical Learning

Spring 2022

Time: Tu/F 1:00-2:30pm in Microsoft Teams



Lecture Notes

1 Some games and motivation Lecture 1
2 Linear algebra & calculus review 1 Lecture 2 notebook
3 Linear algebra & calculus review 2 Lecture 3
4 Unconstrained optimization Lecture 4
5 First & second order optimization, convex sets Lecture 5
6 Convex functions Lecture 6
7 Convex optimization Lecture 7 notebook
8 Applications of convex optimization Lecture 8
9 Bisection, Newton, and secant methods Lecture 9
10 Gradient descent methods Lecture 10
11 Multivariate Newton and the Gauss-Newton algorithm Lecture 11
12 Conjugate direction methods Lecture 12
13 Linear programming Lecture 13
14 Geometry and simplex method Lecture 14
15 Duality Lecture 15
16 Applications of linear programs and duality Lecture 16
17 Linear programs in game theory Lecture 17
18 Constrained convex optimization, Frank-Wolfe algorithm Lecture 18
19 Regularization, Sparsity and energy minimization Lecture 19
20 Online convex optimization I Lecture 20
21 Online convex optimization II Lecture 21
22 Nonconvex optimization: neural networks and recommender systems Lecture 22